Wednesday, May 8, 2013

End of semester wrap up: Beautiful and Ad idea

       Over the course of this semester the topic that really caught my interest was when we began talking about advertisement and the idea of being beautiful. In high-school we also covered this idea of "killing us softly" but it still sparks my interest every time its brought up. The reason why it was all so interesting is that in class we were able to not just discuss America's idea of beauty but the way women internationally felt about the issue. It was very surprising to me that women around the world have trouble when asked if they think of themselves as beautiful.
       The advertising of the women's body its also a disturbing factor that has risen since the availability of technology's advisement. The way in which the female body can be plastered on a beer glass or a screen shot of the behind I understand as "sex sells". I have always heard the term "sex sells" but the thing is, which sex, who really is becoming the target of the advertisement industry? Women are become used more as parts and pieces to sell things then as a person. When advertisements are selling their products they almost never show the whole body unless its twisted into some unnatural version of  itself. People are no longer wanting to see the body as it is; a person, but as a thing. This topic in class made me wonder how everyone else is effected by the ad's places in their disposal,  do the question its effects or just think "its just an ad".

News Fluffy stories

       After reading an article by Chuck Klosterman we were given the idea that most of the reasons people don't like the news is for the wrong reasons. In relation to this idea that news stories can be miss interpreted and there are flaws indeed we watched a few short news stories.  After watching a few of the latest CNN stories it was very true sometimes there's isn't enough information to make a good story, and the writers hae to work with what they got.
       One of the stories that popped up was about two suspects having their bail request waved. The thing is the first this which were being discussed had nothing to do with what they were allegedly being charged for or anything relative to there case. The only this that was discussed at first was there clothing, now how does that have to do with anything?! The the reporter went on to say you could clearly understand what emotions the suspects were going through. No journalist who is watching from afar should be able to speculate there feelings by just looking at them. Another story which was played was military wife's getting a makeover, sure that's nice in all but a whole section of new dedicated to seeing there transformation is more of a show, not high priority news. The wives story could have be mentioned but it felt like an advertisement from the one's doing the makeover. The News sometimes buts in fillers into what they cover, maybe they haven't gotten the whole story or there wasn't even that much of a story to covered in the first place.