Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Football High Response

       After watching the documentary called football high I realized the extent of damage young men in America are taking from its most popular sport. I knew as many people know that brain damage from concussions is a serious and increasing thing from the sport of american football. The documentary was an eye opener when it described the brains of former NFL players to the brain of high school player in the present years. The new studies are finding evidence that is a scary reality, the repeated head injury's not the concussion is the cause of early signs of CTE disease in young athletes. The study showed there are 60,000 concussions a year for football players in high school, but in reality a year isn't accurate when their season is quite less than a whole year.
       The information that was presented is alarming to me, I would have never figured high school players to have more damage than that of college players. But the facts comes down to the pressure of american society in increasing the level of media coverage to young athletes to be better. There are more boys that play football in America than any other sport. The work outs of the present day are more strenuous than ever before. High school football has now reached an all time high of pressure from personal trainers, scholarships, off season workouts and the newer idea that being physical is the only way to play. What was more scary then the results of the statistics, was when a young man who could have died from an excessive workout in preseason could not wait to go back to the game.

1 comment:

  1. I was super alarmed by this video as well. I had heard stories about all of this stuff happening in the news over the years but just never paid as much attention to it as I should have. I always pictured my kids playing football and the whole ideation of football in America is crazy. We all LOVE the sport, but to know what it's doing to young boys and young men, it really isn't fair. To start receiving life altering injuries at an age which you can't even legally decide to move out of your parents home, that says a lot about the pressures we're putting on young kids, and it really needs to change.
